
central pillar中文是什么意思

  • 中柱



  • 例句与用法
  • The staircase winds upwards round a central pillar
  • Rear window central pillar
  • The members of the un are sovereign nations , and the un charter is one of the strongest safeguards of sovereignty , enshrining that principle as one of its central pillars
    联合国会员国是主权国家, 《联合国宪章》是主权最强有力的一项保障,其中规定主权原则是联合国的中心支柱之一。
  • The lessons for businesses to learn lie in their willingness to make leadership development a central pillar in the way they operate and a powerful force for transforming their fortunes
    他还说: “企业家们所应当记取的教训就是:他们必须心甘情愿地将培养领导能力作为他们经营工作的核心,并且把它作为改变自己命运的强大力量。 ”
  • The lessons for businesses to learn lie in their willingness to make leadership development a central pillar in the way they operate and a powerful force for transforming their fortunes . ? o : p
    他还说: “企业家们所应当记取的教训就是:他们必须心甘情愿地将培养领导能力作为他们经营工作的核心,并且把它作为改变自己命运的强大力量。 ”
  • The central pillar of the fair information practices embodied in the data protection principles is the notion that when individuals provide information about themselves they do so for particular purposes which should be adhered to
  • A descendant of hijikata toshizo is managing the library as its director , and has opened part of his own house to the general public . besides a considerable number of showpieces that remind us of the past , you find there the central pillar of the house , against which the young toshizo practiced harite , or slapping , of the sumo wrestling
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central pillar的中文翻译,central pillar是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译central pillar,central pillar的中文意思,central pillar的中文central pillar in Chinesecentral pillar的中文central pillar怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
